Feng shui is the art of arranging your living space and possessions in such a way as to achieve overall harmony and balance in your life. This ancient art and science works on the assumption that the world is driven by unseen energy forces. Think the Matrix here - where you're living in a web-like, holographic universe. The idea behind feng shui is to "unblock" your way, so energy forces may flow freely and create balance in a specific space (and life).
According to feng shui, the bedroom is the most important room in the house. You spend one-third of your life slumbering, and therefore, it is imperative to arrange your bedroom in such a way as to exude nurturing influences. Your mind and body need to rest and recover so you can reach -and hopefully surpass- your potential. Your days begin and end in your bedroom, and so at a minimum, your bedroom should be the ideal space for relaxation and rejuvenation.
Peek inside some of America's finest bedrooms, from exotic Hawaii, to the Colorado mountains, to the skylines of New York City. These sumptuous bedroom suites take luxury to the optimum level.

As the renowned poetess, Emily Dickinson, exclaims: "Wild nights - Wild nights! Wild nights should be our luxury!" And this bedroom illustrates her exclamatory sentiment.
The famous poet, Edgar Allan Poe, tells us that "[a]ll that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." That is, until you experience living in one of these luxury bedrooms with the perfect feng shui mojo. Your dream then becomes a real estate reality.