Laila Colvin and Rafaela Simoes
Photo Credit: 2id Interiors
While 2id Interiors has stood out as one of Miami's premier luxury interior design companies, perhaps most are not acquainted with the 2id origin story. Co-Founder and Creative Director, Rafaela Simoes shares the beautiful origin of her amazing partnership with Laila Colvin.
Do you know those people whose parents went to school together and created a bond where it would make it inevitable for their children to become best friends? Eventually, those children grow up side by side and dream of becoming partners and building their own company when they get older.
Cool, isn't it? Well, guess what? That's not our story.
Our mothers did indeed know each other for many years. They went to school together in Brazil. However, we defied the odds and both our mothers' efforts to get us to meet one another and we did not instantly form a friendship. In fact, we never met each other while we lived in Brazil. Incredibly, our story only began once we both ended up moving to the U.S.
Laila realized we had both moved to Florida and her mother convinced her to give me a call. That was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. We immediately bonded over our similar backgrounds and our shared passion for interior design.
I believe we were meant to support each other here in the States and eventually work together, even though it was never in either of our plans. One of the magical things about life is that it is unpredictable. Because not only is she now one of my best friends, but she is my pattern in work and in life. We even got pregnant almost at the same time and now our kids have grown up together.
Working as a duo can be challenging, but for us it is a blessing. Since day one, we had similar visions for the business and every obstacle we have overcome since then has only made us better partners. We recognize our individual limitations and we respect what each other brings to the partnership.
Laila is more pragmatic, practical and rational. She is better with numbers and budgets, so she is the one who brings some sense when we are going too far and keeps us on track with finances. I am more emotional, intuitive, approachable (but not early in the morning, please) and outspoken.
Working as a pair allows us to share our tasks, while each of us specializes in areas we're best at and enjoy most. By sharing the labor, we can lighten the load. This allows us to take time off when needed, as we know there will always be a trusted person to hold down the fort and this has certainly had a positive impact in our personal lives.

2id Interiors
Photo Credit: 2id Interiors
Another advantage of our partnership is that we have a multidisciplinary approach with our clients. We work in a way that allows them to not get confused with both of us. If Laila begins a conversation with a client, she will be the one that will continue assisting them in that manner in order to ensure clear communication. The same applies if I am the one to begin the conversation. This avoids confusion and clients always know who to speak with. That said, we always share and discuss key pieces of information for every project to make strategic decisions that are best for the business.
All of these processes ensure harmony and clear results. I believe that our skill sets combined is what makes up the 2id recipe for success, along with the amazing team that we have, not behind us, but rather working by side by side with us. This way, we create a stronger, more balanced, and happier workplace.
The story of how we became 2id Interiors
The name of the company was something we struggled with. It was difficult to think of a name that included both of us and that also sounded good. I previously had my own company, the RS ID, which stands for Rafaela Simoes Interior Design. Laila made its logo and I was so in love with the "id" component that when it came time to think of a name for our company, I was not giving up on it.
We brainstormed ideas to include our initials but nothing was working out. Eventually, Laila had the idea of adding the number 2, to "id," symbolizing two interior designers, as a provisional name, but of course, it ended up being our permanent name. It's simple and conveys the idea that we are two people in this amazing journey together.