Michael Scigliano and Fernando Alvarez
Photo Credit: Juan Pablo Castro
Every great designer needs a great upholsterer to make their vision become a reality. For Michael Scigliano, of MS2 Design Studio, that upholsterer is Fernando, one of the Alvarez brothers of Le Jeune Upholstery.
When you have a particular project or client, where items in a showroom won’t fit the need, custom is the only option. “I love the thought of my clients having something that was designed and fabricated especially for them.”

Curved Upholstered Sofa
Photo Credit: Troy Campbell Studio
Photo Credit: MS2 Design Studio
Photo Credit: MS2 Upholstery
Photo Credit: Juan Pablo Castro
For more information from MS2 Design Studio, head to https://ms2designstudio.com
To learn more about Lejeune Upholstery, visit http://lejeuneupholstery.com