The highly-anticipated new film Anna Karenina, directed by Academy-Award nominee Joe Wright, is not only a juggernaut thanks to its all-star cast (Jude Law, Keira Knightley), but also because of the massive $50 million budget, much of which went into the design of the set. A vast majority of the film was shot on a theater-stage which rotated through 100 distinct that production designer Sarah Greenwood made to recreate the grandeur of the era. Elle Decor recently sat down with Sarah Greenwood to take a closer look at these stunning designs, which, although grand, would translate beautifully for any contemporary home decor.
Greenwood reveals that the set was built in 12 weeks at the Shepperton Studios in London due to not having money to shoot on location in Russia. Recreating the look of Imperial Russia required a lot of research by Greenwood herself and set decorator Katie Spencer. Greenwood and Spencer were inspired by the Tsarskoye Selo, summer palace of Catherine the Great.
Source and image courtesy of Elle Decor.